Schools need to keep a particular key stakeholder in their audience happy and satisfied: parents. Why? In addition to them being the “client”, they also might just end up to be your best marketing tool.
SchoolHouse summary: Despite the emphasis that we put on digital marketing, the most effective enrollment marketing tool is word-of-mouth. When you exceed the expectations of parents, the chances they’ll spread the word about your school increases greatly. With your enrollment, community relations, and development efforts, happy parents are likely to support those efforts more than anyone else. They had those same decisions to make and are glad to have their kids at your school. They can speak from experience and with authenticity to others that are having to make those same choices right now.
In short, great school experiences make for great advocates of your school. How can you create better experiences for parents? Maintain an open line of communications. Share your appreciation of their efforts. Make sure their needs as parents are being met. To continue learning how to improve the experience of parents at your school, Liza Fisher Norman shares plenty of ideas in the article below.
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