The first step in lead generation for your school is capturing the email addresses of those that are interested in your school. There are some great tools out there that make it easy, including capturing emails right inside a video!
SchoolHouse Summary: Wistia’s Turnstile email collector is a great tool for capturing emails. By “gating” (making them only available to people who have registered, or have gone through “the gate”) your videos, it can help you collect emails and drive qualified leads through your marketing funnel. For international school marketers, knowing who your audience actually is – that’s where it all starts. For example, keeping track of exactly what videos someone watches – and for how long – helps us to understand what they are interested in learning about. This short article from Wistia walks you through how to maximize your email collecting efforts. Wistia is a key component in our SchoolHouse Connect suite of tech platforms.
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