Chances are you already know that video is key to a successful digital marketing strategy for your school. You might have noticed that people engage more with content that includes videos. In fact, 87% of online marketers use video content, and a third of online activity is spent watching video.
SchoolHouse Summary: With every good digital marketing strategy comes some form of automation. So what happens when you mix automation and video together? An even more successful video marketing strategy that delivers quality messages through quality video to the right lead at the right time.
Getting your school videos to the right stakeholder is key to building trustworthy and loyal relationships. We’ve witnessed it firsthand – your audience will feel more emotionally invested in the mission of your school and engaged through video. How can marketing and automation actually work together? With this guide, our Schoolhouse Connect tech partner Wistia covers the basics of marketing automation, how to set goals to influence the kind of marketing automation you’ll need, and how to use video and marketing to nurture leads. In short, this guide is our recommended reading for a holistic understanding of the video marketing automation process.
Click here to read the full guide on how to use video in your marketing automation.