Before you decide to jump on the Wistia bandwagon, you might be considering other potential video platforms, like YouTube. How are they different, and which one suits your school marketing efforts best?
SchoolHouse Summary: We understand the dilemma. We had to make the decision, too, for our own video platform. For school marketers, investing in a video platform involves considering many factors including budget, intent, strategy, and return on investment. In this comparison article, Wistia dives into how the platforms differ in their fundamental design and audience. YouTube serves content creators and brand-building organizations. Wistia serves, mostly, companies using video on their websites. Each platform requires a unique strategy and impact your school differently. And neither one by themselves are an all-in-one solution.
In short, if your goals in your digital marketing strategy include driving website traffic, improving conversions, and increasing engagement through your website, then Wistia is the platform for you – for your website. As the leading video marketing software, Wistia has developed customizable video players, video SEO to drive traffic, and email collectors to help generate leads. YouTube prioritizes reach, rather than on-site engagement or customer acquisition. The nature of traffic to YouTube via search and social means interactions with your content are much more difficult to track, just beyond sheer numbers. There are strategic approaches to using both platforms. Your video marketing strategy simply needs to consider both of them.
PLEASE NOTE: The SchoolHouse Agency is able to give deep discounts on Wistia to educational institutions. Please contact us for more information.
Click here to read the original article about the difference between Wistia and YouTube.