Branding is at the heart of a school’s marketing strategy. A clear, focused brand resonates with the audience and parents you want to reach.
SchoolHouse Summary: Jennie Winton shares her thoughts on independent school branding in an InspirED Sparkcast with Liza Fisher Norman. Jennie is the founder of Mission Minded, a branding firm dedicated to non-profits including higher ed and independent schools. They talk about successful branding projects, The Enrollment Marketing Association, and what effective campaign marketing and branding looks like.
“Our work and joy is helping a school find that thing that makes it unique, but that is getting buried and not shown to families as powerfully as it could. We help to excavate that, clarify it, and find simple language to express it, so the school can send stronger signals to parents and students that are right for the school.”
Click below to listen to this podcast on the InspirED website: