A Happy Parent Is The Best Marketing Resource for Your International School

Keep the parents who support your school happy and delighted with their experience. They might just be your best marketing tool and advocates!

It is important to review your school’s admission experience in order to improve it. We need to review the admissions journey from start to finish.
How to Hook Viewer Retention and Keep them Watching

Hold your audience’s attention with a lasting first impression. Then, ensure they stay till the end of your school marketing videos with these 5 tips.
Word of Mouth is Not an Elevator Pitch

Word of mouth is not an elevator pitch; it’s an organic way of sharing personal experiences and stories. Get your school parents to speak from the heart.
9 Factors that Affect School Growth

Why do some private schools grow in enrollment and others decline? Rick Newberry explains nine factors that contribute to school growth.
Storytelling > Strategy > Success = School Growth

What makes school growth successful? Is it students? Teachers? It’s the crafting of story. Develop stories that grow your school strategically.
The Science Behind Storytelling: Why Narrative Cuts Through the Noise

Your school marketing efforts may be going nowhere. How can you engage your audience in a meaningful and compelling way? Our answer: story. But why?

During lockdown, creating videos for your school marketing strategy can be tricky. Use these proven methods to continue making videos through this time.
Social Media, by Itself, Will Not Help Your Enrollment Efforts

Social media strategies improve retention, engagement and recruitment of prospective and current families at your schools.
27 Video Marketing Ideas for School Marketers

Running low on ideas for your school’s video marketing plan? Start elevating your social media strategy with these video ideas.
It’s Time to Survey Your Parents

As the school year comes to a close, surveying your parents has never been more valuable. Nurture key relationships and keep your school parents satisfied.
How to Create an SEO Strategy for 2020

SEO is a powerful tool that can be used effectively with a strategy. HubSpot outlines every step of building a SEO strategy using their downloadable monthly plan.