Five Leadership Practices that Affect Enrollment

Great leadership is hard to come by, especially in enrollment. For every school leader, practices need to be in place to lead well. Here are our top five.
Using Video in Your Marketing Automation

Have you been making videos for your school but are struggling to stay on schedule and in line with your goals? Automating your videos is your answer.
The Bite-Sized Brand Affinity Marketing Playbook

Empower your school marketing with brand affinity marketing. It’s more than just brand awareness; it is long-term, it is relationship, it is loyal.
5 Steps to Launch Your School’s Virtual Admissions Open House

A virtual open house to help admissions is never more necessary than now. Learn to launch your very own with these five easy steps.
14 Website Tactics to Make Content Promotion as Easy as Possible

Promoting your content may be challenging but it’s an important step in the marketing process. Some tactics work better than others, here’s Schneider’s 14!
The Psychology Behind Why People Dislike Ads

More people are turning away from ads. Is it because of the ads or because what is being displayed?
3 Important Facebook Updates: What School Marketers Need to Know

As a school marketing advertising on Facebook, it is important to be kept up to date on the website’s development. Here are 3 we think might appeal to you!
6 New Parent Marketing Strategies to Implement

New parents bring a lot of new prospects to your school. With these six strategies, start the new year with high energy as you welcome new parents onboard.
How to Write and Use Alt Text Tags on Instagram

Alt text tags are useful as they give the Instagram algorithm more information. How do you write and use them to your advantage? Read on to learn more.
Creating Your School’s Virtual Admissions Center

For prospective families who can no longer visit your school, creating a virtual admissions platform never became so necessary. Start now.
How Your School Will Benefit From Using Personas

Student and family personas offer essential and personalised information of prospective parents. Craft a more consistent marketing strategy for your school with them.
Are Short-Form or Long-Form Videos Better for School Marketing?

In the digital age, everyone has a shorter attention span. Learn about the pros and cons of creating short-form and long-form videos for your international school.