How School Marketers Can Work with Local Media to Get Coverage for Your School

Whether you’re hoping to raise awareness for your school in general or hoping to get the word out about a particular program or event, media coverage is one of the best ways to get your school noticed. But learning to interact with the press can be challenging; too often, schools find themselves reacting to news […]
10 Marketing Lessons Learned After 100 Podcast Interviews with the Best in Higher Ed

This article shares marketing lessons learned after interviewing 100 leaders in enrollment marketing.
A school marketer’s guide to marketing automation

Want to streamline your marketing activities? Check out this post to learn everything you need to know about marketing automation for schools.
How Your School Can Dominate First Page Rankings on Google

This article explains how your school can be on first page rankings on Google and which factors influence your search engine ranking.
Driving Student Enrollments Using Site Search

This blog with three-part series shares how you can increase student enrollments for your school using site search.
Enrollment and Marketing Webinars for School Leaders

This article shares multiple resources and webinars for school leaders to help them in enrollment and marketing.
Private School Marketing and Retention in Uncertain Times

Many private schools experienced another surge in enrollment this year. This blog discusses school marketing issues for many private schools.
The best metrics to measure your school marketing strategy

One of the best parts about digital marketing is how measurable your actions are! We’ve set out five school marketing metrics that you should be assessing.
Introducing a digital marketing strategy at your school

How to convince your school’s decision-makers why digital marketing is so important.
The Future of Parent Communication

This blog highlights many new ideas for parent communication– and suggests four factors schools should use to evaluate and take the best of them forward when the pandemic is over.
The Future of Marketing Strategy

This blog explores what has worked better remotely and what do we need to take back into face-to-face work in Marketing Strategy.
The critical KPIs of school content marketing

This article outlines which KPIs are critical for school content marketing and to judge how effective an organisation is at achieving key objectives.